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CPR Stands For

CPR Stands For


CPR, standing for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, is more than just an acronym; it is a crucial skill that can mean the difference between life and death in emergency situations. In this blog, we delve into what CPR entails, its importance, and why everyone should learn this life-saving technique.

What is CPR?

CPR is an emergency procedure performed on individuals experiencing cardiac arrest or sudden cessation of breathing. It combines chest compressions with rescue breaths to manually circulate oxygenated blood to vital organs, thereby sustaining life until professional medical help arrives.

The Importance of CPR:

Cardiac arrest can strike anyone, anywhere, at any time. It doesn’t discriminate based on age, gender, or health status. In fact, statistics show that nearly 350,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur annually in the United States alone. Without immediate intervention, the chances of survival plummet with each passing minute.

This is where CPR becomes paramount. By promptly initiating CPR, bystanders can significantly increase the likelihood of survival for the victim, doubling or even tripling their chances of recovery. Every second counts in a cardiac arrest scenario, and CPR empowers ordinary individuals to become heroes in the face of adversity.

How to Perform CPR:

Performing CPR involves a series of simple yet critical steps:

Check for Responsiveness: Shake the victim gently and shout loudly to assess if they are responsive. If there is no response, immediately call for emergency medical assistance.

Open the Airway: Tilt the victim’s head back slightly and lift their chin to open the airway.

Check for Breathing: Look, listen, and feel for signs of breathing for no more than 10 seconds. If the victim is not breathing normally, proceed to the next step.

Initiate Chest Compressions: Position the heel of one hand in the center of the victim’s chest, interlock the fingers of your other hand, and begin chest compressions. Push down firmly and rapidly at a rate of 100 to 120 compressions per minute, allowing the chest to fully recoil between compressions.

Administer Rescue Breaths: After 30 compressions, deliver two rescue breaths by pinching the victim’s nose, sealing your mouth over theirs, and blowing steadily until you see the chest rise.

Continue CPR: Alternate between chest compressions and rescue breaths in a cycle of 30 compressions to 2 breaths until help arrives or the victim shows signs of responsiveness.

How can ERemedium help?

ERemedium is India’s largest health literacy platform and leading Healthcare Digital platform with a presence in over 5,000 Hospitals and clinics, impacting 20 million patients monthly.

ERemedium works closely with over 10,000+ Doctors to better engage and communicate with patients by 3D videos

MEDXPLAIN: Medxplain is a cloud-based content subscription platform for doctors which acts as a bridge between a doctor and a patient. Medxplain increases patient satisfaction and promotes health literacy at the moment of most significant impact. Doctors can now communicate over 1,000 conditions, procedures, and treatment options with patients in an unprecedented way. The content platform can be opened easily on a mobile, tablet, laptop, or desktop.

The platform comes with full-blown customization and personalization options with exciting features such as real-time sharing, personal content upload, bookmarks, etc.

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MEDCOMM: 22” Touch screen signage embedded with 3D videos personalized to specialty and care settings. Doctors can now communicate over 1,000 conditions, procedures, and treatment options with patients in an unprecedented way. Medcomm enables quality consultation in less time by use of a copyrighted content library consisting of 3D anatomy, and gesture-driven patient information animations. A centralized knowledge base of the latest research, clinical tools, and medical information at your fingertips. Medcomm is also capable of running promotions which ultimately helps in the digital marketing of pharmaceutical companies.

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MEDIO: Medio uses OPD Waiting Area TV to increase patient satisfaction, ease waiting time, and promote health literacy at the moment of greatest impact. Doctors use it to promote services, facilities, latest updates and high quality 3D videos to ensure patients feel a connection to your practice. Medio runs 3D patient education Speciality videos and empowers patients with condition-specific videos, and much more while they are waiting to meet the Doctor. Content is approved by top medical associations and personalized to Doctor’s Speciality and Care Setting.

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