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Importance of Healthcare Advertising Agency

Importance of Healthcare Advertising Agency


Advertising is a process of communication that seeks to promote a product, service, or brand. A healthcare marketing agency is responsible for the planning, development, and management of advertising and promotional materials for doctors, hospitals, clinics, and pharma companies. Working as an extension of their client, a healthcare marketing agency provides external insights to develop advertising content that best promotes the products and related services.

Healthcare marketing agencies generally provide all traditional advertising services. Traditional jobs done by a healthcare Advertising agency or healthcare content agency are:

  • Brand Development
  • Strategic Planning
  • Integrated Marketing Campaigns
  • Advertising on several media
  • Social Media Platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Quora
  • Sales Promotion ideas development
  • Patient Engagement videos development, and so on.

The Healthcare Industry is changing at a faster pace nowadays. The introduction of new technology makes it really difficult for a healthcare organization to keep up with the changing world. Healthcare marketing is an integral component of sustainable growth. And without a doubt, it would be very difficult to have an influx of new patients, and even the loyal patients may slowly drop off, one-by-one. Marketing through a healthcare marketing agency shows potential patients’ growth, which not only makes any physician’s practice different from the competitors, but it is also a much better option overall.

How is a Healthcare Marketing Agency beneficial?

In recent times, the healthcare industry has transformed rapidly into a quality-based industry centered around patients from being a volume-based industry centered around physicians. Today, it is easy to find a number of healthcare facilities for a specific disease in any given area. This has hiked the competition, and hence increased the requirement of a healthcare marketing communications agency that is specialized in this niche.

Healthcare marketing communications agencies help in developing better connections and nurture the connections with the patients. Poor marketing strategy can make a brand suffer because the healthcare sector today is not as same as it used to be.

Some of the benefits of having a healthcare marketing agency are:

  • Enhancement of the Patients’ Base – Attracting and maintaining a good relationship with the patients while improving engagement is a difficult task. Effective healthcare marketing designed by a healthcare media agency helps in engaging the patients for a longer time. The more the patient feels connected with the patient’s education content, the more trust they start to build.
  • Depth of Knowledge – A healthcare marketing agency can draw from practical experience to make critical decisions that make a long way to success. Healthcare Marketing Agencies often work with multiple clients in the Healthcare sector, which in return increases their knowledge. Often, there are agencies that have their own panel of reputed doctors who assist the agency in drafting the most effective marketing plans.
  • Effective Budget management – Healthcare Marketing agencies are experts in managing the assigned budget, having tools and processes over hundreds of clients makes the process smoother. Tracking the spending across multiple campaigns and platforms is time-consuming and sometimes difficult to take a record of. A hospital advertising agency or Pharma Advertising Agency is responsible for all the marketing strategies that are required to create an effective marketing campaign and that too within the assigned budget.
  • Enhancing Visibility – back in the time, healthcare advertising used to be done through coupon mailers as well as through word of mouth. However, in recent years this has changed drastically because of the rise in the use of social media and the internet. Now, healthcare marketing agencies make use of online and other offline platforms. The internet is the first place most people will go when looking for healthcare providers. Healthcare Advertising agencies make use of the internet presence to take the game to higher levels. The healthcare marketing strategy of using a number of media such as social media to reach more people just to make a firm bond with the patients by introducing them to the educational content.

Importance of working with a Healthcare Marketing Agency?

The importance of working with a healthcare marketing agency is that they develop and execute marketing strategies geared towards engaging and educating patients on their healthcare journey through SEO, digital advertising, website, content marketing, and more.

The healthcare industry is always changing, and patient education and information are fastly becoming the forefront of focus. Here are some of the reasons which show the importance of working with a healthcare communications agency:

  • Enhanced Creativity – a healthcare communications agency comprises a number of people who are professionals in planning, making strategies, and of course, creating patient engaging creatives. Having so many brains on a single project not only helps in time management but also creates a wonder of engaging creatives.
  • Cost-Effective – having a separate team just for marketing often becomes a pain in terms of management. Having a healthcare communications agency not only disappears this hindrance but also proves to be cost-effective. From deciding a marketing strategy to implementing, all shall be done by the agency which gives an upper hand to the brand from their competitions.
  • Creation of new Possibilities – having a dependable healthcare marketing agency or pharmaceutical marketing agency that is ready to take on any project at a moment’s notice, the sky’s the limit. Having a full set of marketing services at your fingertips not only saves time; it opens ways to new possibilities. It also allows, to focus on the more important things other than marketing.
  • Accountability – One of the most important aspects of working with a healthcare marketing agency or pharmaceutical marketing agency is accountability. A healthcare advertising agency often works with a number of clients and hence are concerned with the deadlines. A healthcare marketing agency always makes sure that the project assigned by the client should be completed within the time limit provided by the client.

How can ERemedium help?

ERemedium is India’s largest health literacy platform and leading Healthcare Digital Marketing Agency with a presence in over 3,000 centers and impacting 10 million patients monthly.

ERemedium works closely with over 10,000 Doctors to better engage and communicate with patients by creating high quality patient education content. Here are the ways through which we can help you to run a successful marketing campaign digitally by the production of patient education content, marketing content targeted towards Patients as well as Doctors.

CONTENT STUDIO: Our content studio team is one of the best digital healthcare marketing consultants and creative agencies in India. Our healthcare marketing experts collaborate with Doctors, Hospitals, Pharma, Diagnostics, and other Healthcare Brands with expertise in Communication strategy, Program Design, Program Execution, KOL engagement. We tell stories leveraging media formats ranging from animation production, animations & infographics that connect healthcare brands, doctors, patients, and caregivers. In a span of just 2 years, Eremedium Content Studio has emerged as the top 3 Pharmaceutical Advertising Companies in India with deep expertise in the production of Patient Information Animations and Patient Information Videos for Hospitals, Clinics, and Leading Healthcare Brands.

Our healthcare marketing samples are available at

Our other Effective Media are as follows:

MEDIO: Medio uses OPD Waiting Area TV to increase patient satisfaction, ease waiting time, and promote health literacy at the moment of greatest impact. The Healthcare digital Marketing team also uses it to promote services, facilities, and the latest updates to ensure patients feel a connection to your practice. Medio runs patient information animation and empowers patients with healthy lifestyle animations, like nutrition and exercise, condition-specific animations, and much more while they are waiting to meet the Doctor. Content is approved by top medical associations and personalized to Doctor’s Speciality and Care Setting.

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MEDCOMM: Touch Screen Signage embedded with 3D Gesture Driven patient information videos personalized to Speciality and Care setting. Doctors can now communicate over 1,000 Conditions, Procedures, and Treatment Options with Patients in an unprecedented way. Medcomm enables Quality Consultation in less time by use of a copyrighted content library consisting of 3D Anatomy, Gesture driven patient information Animations. A centralized Knowledge base of the Latest Research, Clinical Tools, Medical Information at your fingertips. Medcomm is also capable of running promotions which ultimately helps in the digital marketing of pharmaceutical companies.

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